
First there was Pearl Harbor in 1941.
When Japan attacked a military base, World War II was started.
We rebuilt and became stronger.
Then there was the Oklahoma City bombing on April 19, 1995, and we asked ourselves why? We cried as we sat and watched with horror, the details unfolding before our eyes, and we cried and cried and prayed that this was a nightmare and that we would wake up soon. This couldn't be happening. How could one of our own do this, but Terry Nichols and Timothy Mcveigh did. They had done something to America that we will never understand, but we will always remember that terrible day as 168 people where killed, and pray that this will never happen again.

Then came the Columbine High School shooting on April 19,1999, and again we cried and asked why?

On September 11, 2001, our lives were changed forever by a group of terrorists from Afghanistan, when they came into this country of ours and attacked and killed our people. We asked ourselves why, how could this happen to us?   We cried as a nation and came together as a family. For united we stand for our country, for our America, for our home. Because this is America, and we are the land of the free and the brave, we have opened our land to so many different people from different lands to live among us and to share our freedom. These words were felt all around the world as people watched and asked, "how could this happen to us", as we all watch the news on this terrible day in America.And again we cry. Please God don't let this ever happen again.


In this changing world that we now live in we need the Military more now then ever before.


To my brother, Leonard C. Hull, who served in the Korean War and never came home. He was a Pow/Mia on 7/20/50.

We are still awaiting his return home to America. I thank you, my brother, for the freedom we so enjoy today.
Thanks to you and all the other soldiers that have died for our freedom.


Freedom is not Free.



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